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I would think of a title, but I have writers block


By Tori St. Clair / LifeAtStart.com Reporter

Last night, I sat with my notes open on my phone for an hour trying to think of an article topic. When I had almost given up for the night, I got the idea. Write an article about not knowing what to write about.

It’s perfect for me because I never know what to write about.

Writers block is the condition of not being able to think of what to write about. This is what I suffer from every Sunday night when I know there is an article due Monday, but waited too long to start it.

Why do people get writers block? Three common reasons are:
1. Bad timing. When it’s just not the right time to write. You may need to brainstorm a little longer before you actually start writing.
2. Being a perfectionist. You want everything to be perfect in your head as you’re thinking about it before you actually write anything down, but that never happens so you never actually write.
3. Fear. Many people are afraid of putting their ideas out for everyone to see and criticize.

What are some things we can do to get rid of writers block?
1. Fill up on caffeine. Sometimes you just need something to keep you going and caffeine is always good.
2. Write at a different place. A proven cure for writers block is to leave your desk. You could go to a park to think.
3. Reread other things you have written. If you start getting annoyed because you just can’t write at the moment, reading your past articles may help inspire you with new ideas.

Contact me at [email protected]

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Locker room talk


Dear Donald Trump,

You have recently stated that what you said was “locker room talk” and as a girl, your comment disturbs me. If you actually did what you said in those leaked tapes, it would be considered sexual assault. Since you are a guy, you probably would of gotten away with it just like Brock Turner got a light sentence with raping a girl.

You make comments about hating how girls look and if they look a certain way then they aren’t really a girl. What do you know about being a female? Did you have to fight for your right to vote? Cry in a court room when the judge set your rapist free, because the guy said that you were asking for it and you were too intoxicated to remember anything that happened? Did you have to fight for your right to have an education at a good school? Did you have to go through 15 hours of labor to welcome a baby into this world?

If you answered no to any of these questions, then you have no say in what makes or breaks a woman. I was rooting for you since the beginning and I have tried to get passed the comments you have made about girls and even the comments you have made about your own daughter and wife.

Tell me, did your daughter get to where she is because of you? Let me answer this question for you, no. She got here through hard work and dedication, because she’s a woman and women fight for what they believe in.

But none of this probably matters to you, because I’m a girl and anything that comes out of my mouth is stupid and idiotic to you. Don’t worry though, I’m going to college for psychology so I’ll be able to study that brain of yours in no time.

Sincerely, Rayne.

P.S. Hillary, you are next. So don’t think you are getting out of it.

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Pop vs Soda


By Kasey Brown / LifeAtStart.com Reporter

A few months ago I took a trip to Georgia. While I was there I had McDonald’s, and ordered a pop. The lady taking my order made a confused face then realized I meant I wanted a fountain drink. She gave a small chuckle then asked if I was from the North because I called it pop instead of soda.

I smiled and said that I was. This encounter made me wonder why soft drinks have different names in different areas and I thought I’d share my research.

Soda or soda pop is mostly used on the coasts. Carbonated soft drinks are normally called soda because sodium bicarbonate was used to make them.

Pop is mostly used in the North. The origins of the word can be traced back to 1900s, when people called it pop to refer to the pop noise that it makes after being opened. It also is a shorter way to say soda pop.

The word Coke is often used in the Southern states. Because Coke was manufactured in the South and  it was the drink choice there for so long people began to use it as the term for all soft drinks.

Whether you call it soda, pop, or coke just depends on the region you’re from or what people around you call it. I hope you found this informative.

For anymore questions you may contact me at [email protected]

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Why I write


By Rayne Wilcox / LifeAtStart.com Reporter

Around school, I am known as a happy-go-lucky girl who never has a frown on her face and laughs at serious moments when she shouldn’t, but sometimes things get too much for me to handle and I feel like breaking down, which is when I turn to writing the most.

At the age of 9, I got into writing after losing my brother, Jordan, to suicide. I wasn’t any good at it. Bad grammar, bad punctuation, and bad spelling, but I didn’t care about that at the time. It was my coping skill and jotting down my thoughts with a pen helped me more then anything else.

I never knew how much writing would help me get through tough times until I started getting bullied by a few girls at my elementary school. I missed eight days of school a year, because I didn’t want to deal with the constant ridicule by these girls.

I would constantly go home into my room and not talk to anyone in my house. I became distant and someone that I wasn’t proud of. I’ve grown far from that time and I’m in a much better place now than ever before.

I want everyone who is in a dark place in their life to write, draw, and color, or anything you enjoy doing that will help you get through it. I promise you it will work. You may not feel 100%, but you will feel relieved when you let go of everything that is running through your head.

It’s been a very long road for me from where I was and where I am now. I still have my days when I’m not feeling the best and I feel like I’ve lost my way, but I know I’ll be okay as long as I have a pen and a piece of paper there to help me.

Contact Rayne at [email protected]

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