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Keith Haring


By Kayce Lopez / LifeAtStart.com Reporter

Keith Haring was an American social activist and artist residing in New York whose work responded to the 1980’s street culture, gaining friends like Jean-Michel Basquait (Dustheads) and Madonna.

He expressed his ideas of sexuality, birth, death, and war by initially displaying his art publicly in subways. He tagged his pieces with an image called “The Radiant Baby,” which quickly became his symbol.

Haring’s most notable work was inspired by an epidemic of crack cocaine use in major cities across the US, specifically New York. He created a mural stating “Crack is Wack” on handball court in 1986, the work now a landmark along New York’s FDR Drive.

In 1985, Haring designed a Free South Africa poster that shows a colored in figure to represent the people of South Africa with a leash held by a smaller, white figure with a red “X,” and the darkened figure stomping on it. He also painted horizontal figures holding onto each other on a section of the Berlin Wall to signify the injustice of separating Berlin.

During his career, Haring’s work was featured in over 100 solo and group exhibitions. His last work was painted in Pisa, Italy titled “Tuttomondo,” meaning, “All World.”

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Drinking and driving


By Jocelyn Hennessey / LifeAtStart.com Reporter

I recently watched a news story about being distracted while driving.

Although this is extremely unsafe, so is driving under the influence of alcohol. If someone is ever drinking you should never get in the car with them. You should always have a designated driver or call for a ride. On average, a drunk driver will drive under the influence of alcohol 80 times before his first arrest.

If you are under the age of 21, consuming alcohol, there is a No Tolerance policy. Meaning you are to have no alcohol in the bloodstream at all. If you do, this can result in expensive fines, loss of your license, or jail time. Also, car accidents are the leading cause of deaths for teens. One-third involve alcohol or another substance. Always be aware of your surroundings while driving.

In 2015, 9,967 people were victims of drunk drivers. So, next time you or someone you know thinks it is okay to drive just right down the street, under the influence,  let them know the danger they can be in, or cause.

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Across the universe


By Tori St. Clair / LifeAtStart.com Reporter

Are we the only life form in the entire universe?

You would get all different answers to this from different people. No matter what any skeptics have to say, there is a lot of evidence to say alien life does exist and have been visiting our planet since the ancient times.

There are hundreds of ancient Egyptian hieroglyphics showing symbols resembling helicopters, spaceships, alien-like creatures, and flying saucer shapes. All of this proves ancient Egyptians would have encountered alien spaceships and this is why these objects are in their different hieroglyphic work.

Another fact that could contribute to the proof of aliens is that scientists have been discovering mysterious radio signals coming from space since 1968. The first radio beams to be picked up occurred exactly three seconds apart and turned out to be from a radioactive star somewhere. These radio signals sound like very high pitched noises.

I do believe in alien life on another planet because I don’t think our planet is the only one that could have life. There are so many places that could have potential for life forms that we don’t know about. I don’t believe that only one planet out of everything is capable for life.

Hopefully someday we will know for sure whether there is life on another planet and have more evidence.

For now we can only look into the evidence we do have leading us to believe in extraterrestrial life.

Email: [email protected]

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Hillary for prison

By Rayne Wilcox / LifeAtStart.com Reporter

Dear Hillary Clinton,

I’m going to come right out and say that I don’t like you.

I have watched all three of the debates and I believe that the only reason you got away with everything you said was because the debate moderators are a bunch of wackos who don’t know how to put their personal feelings  aside from being professional. Which brings up my first problem with you.

You don’t know how to keep your personal life out of your professional life. Why in the world would you use a personal account for all of your classified government emails? You said it was an accident and that it shouldn’t of ever happened and you’re right. It shouldn’t of happened, but your ‘accident’ killed innocent people in Benghazi in 2012.

How do you feel about that? I hope you feel bad about it, because while you sleep in a house with your husband and knowing that your kids are safe, there are kids waking up without their parents, sisters waking up without their brothers, and parents waking up without their sons and daughters because of your mistake. My heart goes out to the people who have to watch a woman who killed someone in their family run for president when she should be in prison.

Another thing that bothers me with you is that anyone who does you, or your husband, wrong ends up dead within a weeks time. It wouldn’t surprise me if something happened to Donald Trump after this election.

You have done a lot more than the things I’ve listed, but the one that tops the cake are the emails. If you don’t know how to keep your personal life and business life separate, you do not need to be in the White House and I surely do not trust you with the government emails.

Sincerely, Rayne.

Contact Rayne Wilcox at [email protected]

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