By Christopher Cook / Reporter
On Friday, February 17th I attended SkillsUSA.
SkillsUSA is a job skill competition where students compete to see who is most prepared for the real deal. Though to most of us SkillsUSA is just a contest, there are kids out there that devote their high school life trying to win it. There are many different things students can compete in from job skill demonstration, where you demonstrate a physical skill useful for certain trades, to cosmetology.
I found out about SkillsUSA less than one week before the competition. My teacher pulled me aside from the class and asked if I would like an A for the quarter.
Being a sane guy, I said yes.
My teacher explained that all I had to do was go on this field trip on Friday. I had no clue what I had signed up for but it was too late to quit by then. On the following day I began to look into what my assigned topic was. It turned out to be job interview, a part that requires the student to fill out a job application and interview for a job. Considering I already had a job I figured how hard could this be, right?
On the day of the competition, I woke up late and had to rush across town after getting ready in two minutes just barely making the bus. After getting on the bus I got dressed up in my suit and slept until we arrived at Four County Career Center, Archbold Ohio.
Upon arrival I obtained my name tag and found which room I would be competing in.Then focusing on breakfast, I got one bagel and waited to compete.
I wasn’t expecting my competition to bring portfolios and when they did I figured I was done for. I had to rely on my talking to bring me back from the disadvantage I was at. I didn’t go to the competition to win anyways, and once I saw I was unprepared I decided I would have some fun. I went through my portion of the competition and thought nothing of it.
Afterward, I joked with my friend saying “watch me go and win”. The winners were being called in sequence from third to first and I didn’t place third or second. I thought to myself, at least I got an A in my class. When I heard my name get called for first place I was ecstatic.The thought never crossed my mind that I would place first.
After I walked up and got my medal, everything became apparent. I actually won.