Home Christopher Cook LifeAtStart.com is now mobile

LifeAtStart.com is now mobile


By Christopher Cook / LifeAtStart.com Reporter

We know that a majority of you people, our viewers, are reading from mobile devices.

We’re glad to announce that our website now has an app available in both Apple’s App Store and  at the Google Play Store.

Let’s tour the pages of the app briefly.

On the page “Home” you will find all of our new articles at the tip of your finger. You won’t only find new articles but all articles on this page. The articles are posted in order of their posting date so that the most recent articles will appear on top. If you scroll long enough though, you might run into articles written years ago. Though they are old, they are not bad, so don’t mind reading a few. Who knows, maybe you will enjoy them.

The second page “About Us” is a brief description of our website/app explaining what it is we do here at LifeAtStart. You can also find instructions telling you the steps to take if you are interested in joining our journalism class.

The third page “Meet Our Staff” has a list of our active reporters along with our editors and advisers. Huge thanks to our friends at The Blade for all of your help and support. All our editors and a brief description written by each can be found on this page.

On the fourth page “Contact Us” you will find our school phone number and fax. You will also find the emails of advisers Mary Mandley and Dave Murray, principal Edward Perozek, and TPS Superintendent Dr. Romules Durant.

On the fifth and final page “News Tips” you will find a simple submission page where you can leave a tip or suggestion for our content.

Hopefully you will enjoy the app and enjoy our content presented to you.

If you have any questions, comments, or concerns please feel free to contact me at: [email protected]

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