Snack attack
By Me’Lyea Burton / Reporter
Have you ever seen a child get arrested for running a lemonade stand in the summer?
Last week, a group of students were suspended for selling snacks. Since there is nothing in the Toledo Public Schools Code of Conduct that prohibits this, many students question the fairness and reasons behind the suspensions.
Due to the cafeteria staff reporting low sales, Start forced the DECA program to close their school stores. The school stores were very popular, and made hundreds of dollars, while only being opened between lunches. Many students depended on the food and snack choices sold in DECA for their lunch because they would rather not eat TPS lunches. Once the stores were shut down, the demand for the snacks that were sold increased.
When the demand increases, the supply has to also. During the summer, the demand for a nice, cool drink increases, so a child opens up a lemonade stand to solve the problem and also earn a quick dollar. They don’t get arrested or receive any punishment. A student sees the demand for snacks increasing, so they start selling snacks to solve the problem and also earn a quick dollar. What’s the difference? They’re both acts of entrepreneurship, in my opinion. They both saw the demand for a product increasing and took the opportunity to create a win-win situation. The customer is satisfied and the salesperson gets a profit.
The TPS Code of Conduct strictly prohibits distribution of tobacco products, drugs, alcohol, and/or weapons. There is nothing banning snacks. Though students can be punished due to Other Good and Just Cause, the specifications for such are the possession and/or use of non-smokable tobacco products.
If you have any comments, questions, or concerns, contact me at [email protected]