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My hair is my hair


By Tatiyana Haythorne

Lifeatstart.com reporter

Around this time last year is when I decided to become fully natural. No heat! Just my curls and protective styles sit on top of my head. It has been the most amazing and biggest project I have ever embarked on. However, it has also been the most stressful. Not because it’s consists of a lot of patience, skill and money, but because of society.

Although, there is many people who are natural, there are also people who don’t understand what being natural is. Being natural isn’t just about having curls, it’s having healthy hair. Because I am natural, I wouldn’t put anything in my hair that would throw off my curl pattern. I would never use heat, flat irons, blow dryers, chemicals, perms, and relaxers. I only wear my hair in protective styles, such as braids and weaves. If not treated right a protective style can turn into a damaging style. People also think that natural hair only comes in one texture, which is anything but true. Me and my friends are all natural, and all have different curl patterns. Natural hair isn’t just curls. You can be natural with wavy hair or coily hair. The chart goes all the way to 2A to 4C. You can’t love natural hair without loving all textures that it is possible to come in. All products and styles work differently on different people.

With being natural we don’t want to hear that our hair is nappy. Don’t tell me it’s short. Where there is curls, there’s shrinkage. Don’t run your fingers through my hair after I spent all night doing it. My hair is a part of me and who I am. It must be respected. Don’t go around speaking or feeling some type of way about a subject that you are ignorant to. If you have a question simply ask. No one is going to bite your head off. I love my hair even when I hate it, so of course I have no problem talking about what I love.

Break up tips


By Rayne Wilcox

LifeAtStart.com reporter

Have you ever been in a relationship only for it to end unexpectedly?

Well, I have and I am here to give you tips on how to get rid of the negativity of your exes and their rudeness.

1. Talk to your friends about it. Talking to your friends about your break up will help you tremendously.

2. Take a hot bubble bath with extra bubbles or use a bath bomb and light some candles. This will help you relax.

3. Write. Writing with music turned on low volume will help you get through anything. Writing down how you feel will help you get through many things. Break ups are one of them.

4. Talk to your mom. She will give you the best advice. It may hurt, but she knows what’s best for you. As the song goes from the famous Disney movie Tangled, “Mother knows best.”

Overall, boys are not worth crying over. If you are a boy reading this, girls are not worth it either. You are in control of your life and happiness. The right person will find their way into your life.


The importance of sleep


By Marisa Garcia

LifeAtStart.com reporter

As a high school student sleep is important to all of us. The amount of sleep we are getting every night has an affect on us when we are awake. Our behavior can be negatively impacted if we aren’t getting the appropriate amount of sleep every night.

This has been known to cause problems in our academics because the lack of ability to learn, listen, concentrate and solve problems is lacking when we aren’t getting the right amount of sleep.

According to the National Sleep Foundation teens need 8-10 hours of sleep per night to function at our best. Unfortunately, many of us aren’t getting that because of school, sports, and after school jobs. Sleep is important, without it our abilities are limited and this can cause problems in our lives. So, try to get as much sleep as you can every night.

Rebuilding of a new future


By Mia Cooper

LifeAtStart.com reporter

Lady Spartan basketball had their first scrimmage Saturday November 11th against Bedford. There were some things that we need to work but overall we did well.

This year they have a whole new team given the fact eight of the 10 players from last year were seniors, and we have three new coaches. This year we will have to rebuild our whole program and so far we are looking good. This scrimmage was a preview on how our season will begin. I am nervous and excited at the same time this year is my senior year and last time playing high school basketball. I can feel the tears coming now. Wish us luck at our first game November 28th. Go Lady Spartans!