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In pursuit


By Cari Floyd
Lifeatstart.com reporter
In the beginning of the school year one of my main goals were to just be happy. Happy with myself, small moments, big moments, everything. As the school year is coming to an end, I look back and see all the things the year brought me: new friends, new experiences, more laughs, and all of the things that brought me joy.

I look at it like this: life is short, so why would I spend my life being unhappy with myself or the things around me? Ten years from now, I want look back and be able to say that I lived loving the moment. Happiness is something you have to find within yourself. It might not be easy, but do it. Don’t live your life being sad all the time because something might not have gone the way you hoped. Be happy and live life unapologetically!
“The secret of being happy is accepting where you are in life and making the most out of everyday.” -Unknown

Are you positive


By Laynie Fry

lifeatstart.com reporter

Recently is health class we have been learning about different types of disease that affects the immune system. I was surprised to learn that 200,000 people are infected with HIV each year. Human immunodeficiency virus is a sexual transmitted infection(STI)that attacks a specific type of cell in your body called CD4, also know as immune cells.

Many people put HIV and AIDS together as though they are the same thing, but that’s not entirely true. If a person who has HIV does not seek medical treatment to find a way to control the virus and it continues to get worse, that is when AIDS occurs.

People who have AIDS don’t actually die from it, they die from whatever other sickness they get because their immune system just isn’t strong enough to fight off even a common cold. Just because a person has HIV or AIDS doesn’t mean they will die; there is medicine that a person can take to control the virus and live longer than expected.

A change for the better


By Jack Robaszkiewicz

Lifeatstart.com reporter

At the start of 2018 I made a promise to myself that I was going to be healthier. I wasn’t getting enough exercise and my diet consisted of mostly processed foods. Due to this, I started to gain weight and I was having really bad acne breakouts. I was not happy with the way I looked or felt so I decided it was time to do something about it.

Because I wanted to become healthier, I figured a good place to start would be drinking more water. At first, I would bring a few water bottles to school and drink them throughout the day. As time went on, I would slowly bring more and more water until I was drinking about a gallon a day. Well, as I started bringing more water, it was becoming a nuisance to carry around all these water bottles. I bought a gallon jug and started using that instead. Ever since doing this, I feel refreshed and sharper.

On top of drinking more water, I changed my diet around. I decided that I needed to cut all processed foods out and eat more natural foods. After some research, I developed the following meal plan. For breakfast I eat two scrambled eggs and a bowl of oatmeal. For lunch I eat a serving of salad, cottage cheese, and one chicken breast. Dinner consists of the same foods as lunch, just slightly bigger portions. Eating these foods have helped me tremendously. I don’t get tired quiet as often and after I finish a meal I don’t feel weighed down.

I decided to take this life style change a step further. I got a membership to the gym and started working out regularly. At first, I wasn’t able to do much since hadn’t gotten any physical exercise in two years. I could barely run for ten minutes and lifting weights was a challenge. As time went on, I slowly pushed myself each day to do something more. Today, I have made much progress. I am able to run for more than 30 minutes now and I can lift more weight every time I go to the gym.

Although its only been four months, I am very happy with the way I am treating my body. I wake up every day feeling refreshed and ready to go. While things are changing for the better, that doesn’t mean I can slack off. Every day I am doing more so I can be the best that I can be.

Old friend


By Korinne Phillips
LifeatStart reporter
Go away my pain and sorrow
If you have to be here at all, come back tomorrow.
Today is the day I refuse to let be blue.
My body will no longer be more weak than you.
The depressing thoughts that were once under my skin
will now be the pillow where I rest my head.
I wash my hands with you and watch you swirl down the drain.
My depression will no longer cause me much pain.
You can now stare at the smile upon my face
and be sad because that’s where you once took your place
But my happiness is something I no longer hide
Because you depression, no longer kill me inside.