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Mark Your Calendars


BY Meghan Vogt
LifeAtStart.com Reporter

Beginning this week, the end of the school year here at Start is packed with events, most of which revolve around the seniors. I believe everyone, however, should have easy access to knowledge of these events well before they are scheduled to begin. Therefore, I shall list and describe them to you now:


May 13th – Prom; for juniors, seniors and their guests only, bids available for purchase this week in the cafeteria, held at Premier Banquet Hall

May 16th – Student Council Senior Banquet, 6pm in the cafeteria, catered event, attendance by RSVP only

May 17th – Ice Cream Social; during lunch periods in cafeteria, ice cream sandwiches will be served

May 18th – Senior Breakfast; senior prank and senior week details will be discussed, great time to pay Jostens bill as they will have representatives there, 1st and 2nd hour

May 18th – Senior Art Show; all are welcome, 6pm in library

May 19th – Senior Picnic; outside during lunch periods

May 19th – Color Guard Try Outs; after school, all eighth graders through juniors are welcome

May 19th – Senior Prank

May 20th – Senior Skip Day; or, for the cool seniors, the last day of school

May 23rd – 26th – Senior Exams; in cafeteria

May 30th – Memorial Day; NO SCHOOL

May 26th, 27th, 31st, June 1st – Underclassmen Exams

June 2nd – Graduation; 5pm, Savage Hall

Be sure to mark your calendars.


How Killer STDs Will Save Hollywood


BY Andrew Russell

What happened to horror movies? It seems like most of the horror movies anyone ever talks about anymore are sequels or cheap ripoffs of other successful projects.
For some reason the only movies that make money in this genre are tragically unoriginal and/or horrifically directed. It seems as if horror movies just drift through a trope and new sub-genre until someone has a half original idea, and then it’s on to copying that. In the mid-2000’s the Saw franchise started, and admittedly the first one was pretty original and took some interesting turns. However, six more movies later, I’m relieved they’ve stopped. But during its run, and even a little after, plenty of studios joined in and produced their own movies featuring people in life or death scenarios and being tortured in bizarrely well thought out ways.
My biggest problem with this isn’t that these movies were made purely for profit after seeing the success of the first Saw. My biggest problem isn’t even that most of these movies aren’t good. It’s that they’re considered horror and scary. Just because I turn away when the girl gets her rib cage torn out by an elaborate death machine doesn’t mean I’m scared. It means I’m going to throw up and I don’t want to do it on the person sitting in front of me in the theater. I don’t know who in Hollywood started the rumor that when you see people’s insides outside, it’s scary. If that’s what I wanted, I’d just find one of those documentaries on YouTube that’s supposed to turn me into a vegan.
The only thing that could get the money hungry studios off of something as straight forward as splatter films is another, even more simple and cheap indie horror film. Enter Paranormal Activity and its unasked for revitalization of the found footage genre. Paranormal Activity got its success from using social media in a clever marketing campaign that, instead of showing bits from the movie, showed audiences’ reaction to what was happening on screen. It was a movie trailer that showed literally none of the movie. They even made cities vote to have the movie shown in their theaters. Along with that, they would throw out alleged critics quotes about the movie, describing it as too scary even for adults, which is apparently why it had to be voted into theaters.
Have you watched Paranormal activity lately? It’s pretty much stuff moving in the background for 90 minutes. Definitely stuff too scary for adults.
The point is that horror movies aren’t horrific anymore, they’re formulated, designed for the purpose of money and the only fear it evokes is the fear of an inevitable sequel. Lately though, their have been some indies that have gotten mainstream recognition that are truly original and honestly scary. They don’t use Hollywood’s crutch of jump scares and false advertisements. The Babadook, an Australian indie horror film from 2014, I found to be truly brilliant and easily one of the better films of this decade. It doesn’t have a single jump scare, there’s no puppet on a tricycle or reverse bear traps, and it dares to do something horror movies haven’t done in years: it doesn’t show the monster. The Babadook takes notes from Spielberg’s Jaws and instead makes our own fears embody what the creature could be, which is far scarier to the individual than anything a filmmaker could produce.
It Follows, a movie that’s about STDs pretty much, is gloriously riveting because of its direction and how it turns its premise into symbolism you didn’t know could be scary. Roger Ebert said “It’s not what it’s about, it’s how it’s about it,” and I can think of no better example of that than killer STDs in It Follows.
With promising indies like these, I’m hoping to see something of a horror movie renaissance, like that of the 1980’s. At the moment, there appears to be no dominating horror genre or franchise, so hopefully projects worth seeing can surface and inspire creativity rather than greed.

LifeAtStart.com reporter
[email protected]

The Big Switch


BY Rayne Wilcox
LifeAtStart.cm Reporter

Before I came to Start High School, I went to a small charter school that consisted of about 250 students. That included all the grades, K-12 called Lake Erie Academy. It was a very small building, so coming to Start was a very big change.

The first reason for my switch to Start, was mainly because I wanted to go to a big high school and experience the football games, dances, pep rallies, and the curricular activities that the high schools consists of.

Since Lake Erie was a small school, they didn’t hold many of these activities. They tried, but students didn’t have school spirit to have them. I started getting upset, because I really wanted to experience these things. I loved Lake Erie, but I had to do what my heart desired.

Making the switch to Start was a huge change. I went from going to class in less than six seconds, to waiting in line for my lunch for 20 minutes.

If you are thinking about making a switch from a charter school to a bigger school like Start, but you are afraid too, don’t be.

I am the shyest person that you would ever meet, but it was one of the best decisions I have personally ever made. It opened me up and I found myself. You will find your own group of friends that enjoy the same music and activities that you enjoy.

Some advice that I can give you is to never forget what your morals are. Going to a bigger school with a lot of different personalities, can change you. Do not change yourself to fit in with others, stay true to you and I promise things will be okay in the end. Being yourself is way better than being someone else.

If the first few days of your switch doesn’t go the way you planned, do not panic. You have 365 more days to get the feel of your new surroundings.

I wish you luck and if you have any questions, or if you just need a friend, contact me at [email protected]

Adventurers! This is for YOU


BY Abelino Ruiz
LifeAtStart.com Reporter

Have you ever been sitting at home one day feeling really bored with nothing to do? You don’t want to spend any money or you just don’t have the money to spend. You and your friends are looking for a fun, social, cooperative activity to do. Well I have the solution to all of your boredom from here on out. Even though it’s not frequently talked about or mentioned, it is a very popular game among college students and children alike. Geocaching.

Geocaching is the mother of all scavenger hunts. It is a GPS-based game that spans around the entire globe. It’s super fun and easy to sign up.

First, you want to download the Geocaching app on your smartphone. Signing up only requires an email and a password. It takes thirty seconds. Once you are in, you’ll see a map with a whole bunch of green dots on it and a blue blinking dot. You are the blue dot and the green dots are Geocaches. There is a premium service that costs $10 for three months which unlocks all geocaches locations, but you don’t need it because there are over a thousand traditional geocaches in the Toledo area alone.

So by now, you probably want to know what this thing actually is. It’s a little hidden container with a slip of paper in it for you to sign your name and date and sometimes there are little items or toys which are referred to as bugs. You must leave the geocache where you find it and you can not take any bugs. You can, however add a bug to the container or take a bug and move it to another geocache spot. These caches are hidden everywhere in and out of the city: magnetized to guard rails, under lampposts, and even in cemeteries.

Who hides these things? People just like you and me hide them. However, you have to register the location with Groundspeak, Inc., the owners of Geocaching. Some people even have legitimate Geocaching strips of paper in the geocache for you to write your name and date on.

This is a really fun hobby and it really comes in clutch on those boring days where you just can’t find something to do, but you want to be outdoors in the beautiful weather. Currently, I have 18 logged finds: 16 in Toledo, 1 in Lambertville, and 1 in Dublin, Ohio. There are an endless number of little scavenger containers out there, even without the premium. If you spent every day for the rest of your life hunting for geocaches, you still would not run out. The community even has a geocache lingo. Tftc stands for “Thanks for the cache.” A muggle is a nongeocacher. So a muggle infested area would be like an intersection with lots of traffic. In fact, one time somebody saw me and my friends snooping around and threatened to call the cops!
Geocaching is really fun with a few friends. I have a lot of fun and there’s no reason why you shouldn’t be able to kill boredom and have some fun too. However, if you think killing boredom means running around stealing geocaches, you’re wrong. At this point, you just have no life.